Duke honors Petro today at the Casa de Nariño – Government – Politics – Up Jobs News

Gustavo Petropresident-elect, will receive this Friday at noon a decoration from the president Ivan Duke on the Narino Palacea fact that reflects the democratic transition in Colombia, a few hours after the change of command in the country.

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The act is published in the agenda of the elected president. However, in the official agenda of the Casa de Nariño sent to the media, the act does not appear.

The fact, however, has drawn the attention even of leaders of the Historical Pact. Thus, for example, in this regard, Senator Roy Barreras, President of Congress, said on Blu Radio that, if the decoration is a formal act, it would be a symbol of institutionality.

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However, Barreras assured on the station that, otherwise, it would be impertinent and gave the reasons: “If it is a formal act, it seems to me a symbol of democratic, peaceful, respectful transition. (If not, it is irrelevant) because it seems to me that a military decoration at a time when a new government begins and when the president-elect, due to his formation, has nothing to do with the Armed Forces”.

On the same station, the journalist Felipe Zuleta recalled that it is a common act and that it was the same thing “that the president had to do Juan Manuel Santos with Iván Duque four years ago”, he explained.

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For analysts, today’s gesture is about a strong institutional message, beyond the ideological differences of the outgoing government and incoming government.


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