Without tickets or invoices: study reveals great evasion of income taxes in personal services

An investigation carried out by the consulting firm TH Partners, made up of a team of tax lawyers, revealed a large income tax evasion in personal services, where no receipts or invoices are made. This is the case of some personal trainers, hairdressers, those who wash vehicles at home and do gardening.

A study carried out by tax lawyers warned that There is a large percentage of income tax evasion for personal services that do not issue receipts or invoices.

Deputies of the Treasury Commission consider that in order to reduce avoidance and evasion, These services should be included in the Tax Reform that is being processed in Congress.

“Tax evasion in the field of services”, that was the central point of an investigation carried out by the consulting firm TH partners, made up of a team of tax lawyers.

They do not deliver tickets or invoices

In the study, which was released by El Mercurio, it is pointed out that when carrying out a citizen survey, 39% declared that they contracted services in the last month, such as garden maintenance, personal trainers, teachers, hairdressers or car washes at home, and from that universe in In 63% of those cases, no ticket or invoice was received.

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In this sense, who led the investigation, the tax lawyer from the University of Chile, Dayana Barría, pointed out that this phenomenon would be invisible and that there must be a cultural change, since many people hire services without taking into account the tax payment that must be made by those who provide them and that could generate profits of even millions.

He also added that there must be legislative work in this regard, because currently it is intended to collect more with the Tax Reform, although transferring more burden to sectors that are already formalized, discouraging the regularization of those that are not.

According to the study, the purchase in the street trade leads in the non-receipt of receipt or invoice, with 89% of the announced cases. In this sense, the RN deputy, member of the Finance Commission, Miguel Mellado, indicated that this area must be regulated urgently, since it generates a great economic impact and unfair competition.

According to the consultant that carried out the study, in the tax reform only the care of children under two years of age or people with severe degrees of dependency appear as new regularized services, so including the other services would be an important point to reduce evasion and avoidance. of taxes proposed by the Executive.

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