Sunday, 9pm, BBC One
It begins, as all great love stories do, with a married couple arguing over a jacket potato. Emma (Nicola Walker) and Ian (Sean Bean) continue to bicker on their flight back from Spain, then silently call a truce by slobbing out on the sofa with a takeaway. Not much happens in Stefan Golaszewski’s new four-part drama – but that’s the whole point, really. Post-holiday life resumes: a recently redundant Ian spends his day at the leisure centre and the supermarket, then their daughter brings her boyfriend over for tea. The plot may be deceptively simple, but it’s brilliantly acted and delicately captures the minutiae of everyday highs and lows, interactions and well-versed small talk. Hollie Richardson
The Princess
9pm, Sky Documentaries
What more can be said about Diana, Princess of Wales 25 years after her death? And yet this haunting documentary by the Oscar-winning team behind Man on Wire and Searching for Sugar Man lets more than 90 minutes of superbly selected archive footage do the talking. The shot of a “Don’t do it, Di!” badge ahead of her royal wedding speaks volumes. HR
Van Der Valk
8pm, ITV
Marc Warren’s gloomy detective is reluctantly thrust into the ruthless world of Amsterdam’s diamond trade when his latest murder case implicates the backstabbing sibling heirs to an affluent firm. There is also a heist, of sorts, as Darrell D’Silva continues to steal scenes as pizza-guzzling pathologist Hendrik. Graeme Virtue
Afghanistan: Getting Out
9pm, BBC Two
Last August, the US finally withdrew its troops from Afghanistan after a 20-year war that was overseen by four different presidents. Barack Obama – and his attempts to repatriate American forces – is the focus of the first in a two-part documentary that tells the story of the war’s final throes. HR
A Very British Way of Torture
10pm, Channel 4
Amid the current crop of films about colonial history, absent from the curriculum for many, here’s one about Britain’s role in a war in Kenya against the Mau Mau – a movement fighting for independence against foreign rule – in the 50s. Experts use new evidence to detail a shameful regime of systemic torture. HR
Walter Presents: Hide and Seek
10.55pm, Channel 4
The first ever Ukrainian offering from Channel 4’s subtitled strand is a familiar-sounding but compelling police procedural – two detectives with troubled pasts investigate the disappearance of a little girl. Yuliya Abdel Fattakh is particularly good as Detective Varta, another affectless eastern European cousin to Saga Norén from The Bridge. Ellen E Jones
Film choice
120 BPM, 1.10am, Film4

The campaigns and characters of Aids activist group Act Up in Paris in the early 1990s make for compelling, emotional drama in Robin Campillo’s 2017 film. Amid the argumentative meetings about strategy and the disruptive public actions themselves (often involving fake blood), the heartbreaking stories of the mostly HIV-positive members slip through. It’s also a sweet love story – as new boy Nathan (Arnaud Valois) falls for the ailing but angry Sean (a terrifically bolshie Nahuel Pérez Biscayart). Simon Wardell
Live sport
The Hundred Cricket: Northern Superchargers v London Spirit, 1.50pm, BBC Two From Headingley. The women’s teams compete in the Hundred Women tournament at 10.30am on Sky Sports Cricket.
Premier League Football: Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur, 4pm, Sky Sports Main Event The top four hopefuls meet at Stamford Bridge. Preceded by Nottingham Forest v West Ham at 2pm.
TV tonight: Sean Bean and Nicola Walker argue over a jacket potato | Television & radio & Latest News Update
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