So Close to Christopher Simpson & Elevation (+Video) & More Latest News Here – Up Jobs


Christopher Simpson and Elevacion: Photo: Christopher Simpson and Elevacion/Twitter.

“I randomly ask that one day you want to find us and repair the clock jumps (…) and even though you are so far away, I can feel you so close”…

Christopher Simpson is always creating. At the end of the side hall of his house there is a door and behind it, his small recording studio. The young violinist is aware that each song and album brings an intrinsic hard work, and since doing things wrong or halfway has never been part of his life philosophy, he gets fully involved in each creative process and dedicates hours and hours to the recording, editing and post-production of any single in which he is involved.

We came to this world full of music, to its recording studio, to talk about the soundtrack of the telenovela “So far and so close”, which last Wednesday lowered the curtain and left an amalgam of dissatisfactions mixed with positive criteria of a part of the audience that recognizes that Cuba needed an audiovisual that would testify to a convulsive time: the pandemic peak caused by covid-19.

It is not the first time that Simpson musicalizes an audiovisual product on Cuban television. As a violinist of the Semiotic Barbary, the Ray Fernández Group, he made the presentation theme of “La Palangana” and the sound identity of “El motor destarting”, in addition to being in charge of the live music of this humorous program.

Alberto Luberta was satisfied with his work in the production and arrangements of the music for “Al Habla Con Los Muertos” in the part of the songs, and called him, first, to play Marcos, who ended up being interpreted by Enrique Bueno.

“It was going to be a super big challenge to work that character. It was not clear at the time that she would do the soundtrack, only that she would collaborate in some way with the novel. Loysis Inclán, the co-director, told me that she had the conditions to act when she saw my histrionics in ‘Motor de Arranque’. Maybe in the future I’ll take it seriously and launch myself into other projects, but in this case I decided to stick to musical collaboration”, the artist comments in an interview with Cuba Joven.

Joy flooded him when they confirmed that he would make the soundtrack for “So far and so close”. “It was a challenge even though it was always one of my professional goals. They had never given me that opportunity, especially in a material of massive consumption”.

Christopher Simpson defines this creative process as diverse, sometimes convulsive and against time.

“Some songs were clear to me from the beginning. Loysis and Luberta explain the plot of the novel to me, I read some scripts and I got the idea that it was about life and death, a product of the great villain of history who was covid-19. Then, the struggles of the different characters to survive and keep interpersonal relationships alive. And of course, all the nuances that it brings with it”.

From these references and focusing on love as the element that unites and anchors people, he built the song “Tan cerca” that became the novel’s presentation. “I was completely inspired by the title and its main plot.”

There are other songs that he conceived in his mind from the start, such as “Contigo”, the leitmotif of the relationship between Nelson and Danay. “Another song they asked me for was ‘Réquiem del Ángel’, the antithesis of ‘Tan cerca’. It defends the idea that although we are close, we feel separated from each other. It talks about heartbreak, about how relationships can deteriorate and die.”

Later, little by little, he composed other songs such as the one that accompanies the character of Yoanka, which is based on overcoming, or that of Magalys, which is a popular, more traditional neighborhood song, through the rumba genre.

“I also searched within the songs that I had already recorded or that I had composed in other stages of my life and they adjusted to the situations posed by the novel, such as ‘Playing to be your doubt’, which I did together with Abel Geronés. ‘Hiéreme’ is another that they used a lot to represent the young people who worked in the SAF (Family Care System)”.

The violinist emphasizes at various points in the interview that the soundtrack is by Christopher Simpson & Elevación. “Most of the music used in the novel is original, composed for that specific audiovisual product and inspired by the situations and environment of the novel.”

Despite the satisfaction with the work done, the artist remains dissatisfied that the instrumentals were used more than the lyrics themselves. “There are a lot of songs that were used to identify sensations and transitions.”

An album for Far Away

Christopher Simpson & Elevation. Photo: Taken from the group’s Facebook profile.

The first part of Christopher Simpson & Elevation’s debut album, On the lineunder the label Bis Music, It broadly defines the musical and sound concept of its artistic proposal and invites us to rethink the world and social contexts.

“When the group started working on their first phonographic material, the songs followed a certain dramaturgical path, with their own story. The novel arrives and enters the game, with a plot not far from the meaning that we defend with our music. First it was a diptych that later became a triptych with the music of ‘So far and so close’”.

On the line it is an album thought, first, in two parts. This soundtrack became refreshing, but the very plot of the audiovisual proposal required an expressive and conceptual load in some of the songs that were going to be mainstays within the music. And, being similar to the speech of the band, we decided to make it a kind of intermezzo, that is, a link between the first and second acts”.

This phonogram will be called precisely “Intermezzo”, which is also the song that its instrumental accompanies Dominique Lafont, the Frenchwoman. Soon, the Museum of Fine Arts will host in its theater the magic that came from the union of “So far and so close” and Christopher Simpson & Elevación.

“We are super happy with the result of this album. It is a step up the steps of creative maturity, with greater cohesion. It is a phonogram made from sincerity”.

On Video So Close to Christopher Simpson & Elevation

See also:

Christopher Simpson and Elevation: The exotic work in the fusion of genres, styles and timbres (+ Video)

So Close to Christopher Simpson & Elevation (+Video)
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