United States Steel Corporation (X) inventory is down -4.74% during the last 12 months, and the common score from Wall Street analysts is a Hold. InvestorsObserver’s proprietary rating system, offers X inventory a rating of 67 out of a potential 100.
That rank is influenced by a long-term technical rating of 86. X’s rank additionally features a short-term technical rating of 82. The basic rating for X is 33. In addition to the common score from Wall Street analysts, X inventory has a imply goal worth of $34.71. This means analysts anticipate the inventory to achieve 38.25% over the following 12 months.

What’s Happening with X Stock Today
United States Steel Corporation (X) inventory has gained 2.91% whereas the S&P 500 is down -0.3% as of 10:20 AM on Monday, May 16. X is greater by $0.71 from the earlier closing worth of $24.40 on quantity of three,390,318 shares. Over the previous yr the S&P 500 is decrease by -3.63% whereas X is down -4.74%. X earned $17.26 a per share within the during the last 12 months, giving it a price-to-earnings ratio of 1.46.
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