2022 has been a huge year for JRPGs with a plethora of releases, including all-new titles as well as comebacks via remakes and remasters of titles from yesteryear. Among the latter is that there is Live a Live a JRPG originally released for Super Nintendo in 1994 by Squaresoft, and that now had a remake from the hand of the Nintendo Switch.
This new version that uses Square Enix’s HD-2D graphic style, that began with Octopath Traveler and has already been transferred to different games of the genre, so it has an appearance that draws attention from the beginning, using sprites that recall the classic era of JRPGs with 3D scenarios, in a contrast that captivates and has become one of the best ways to bring classic games to the present.
In the case of Live a Live, the story is no different, and we find a game that takes full advantage of these graphics, since the game is divided in such a way that it makes us go through different scenarios, from the old west, to feudal japan, the present and the future, so all these scenarios stand out to the fullest with this visual style.

But let’s Live a Live, the game more than a great narration, presents us with chapters with different independent stories, and that take place in different times, each with its own protagonists and plot. This is how we find chapters based on prehistory, Imperial China, Feudal Japan, the Old West, the present, the near future, and the distant future.
Although each of the different stories has an independent development, with its own protagonists, once the different episodes are finished, an extra chapter based on the Middle Ages is obtained, and after finishing it, access is given to a final chapter where unify all the stories.
Spending much of the game with completely separate stories has its pros and cons.on the one hand we find plots that develop quickly and that do not take many turns to achieve their objectives, but at the same time, it makes each story, and the plot of each character, not deepen, having nothing more than a brushstroke of the motivations of each of our protagonists, and not a fully developed story as one would expect.

It should be mentioned that each story lasts between one and two hours.so I know if you add up the different chapters you have a considerable game time, but it still won’t keep you glued for countless hours like other JRPGs.
Among the elements that stand out in this game is undoubtedly its playability, since each of the stories has its own unique mechanicswhich provides a unique gameplay every time we start a new story, and although the combat system, which takes elements from tactical games, with a board through which we can move, is maintained, the mechanics when exploring the world are completely different.
This is how, for example, with Pogo, the caveman protagonist of the prehistory chapter can sniff to detect monsters to face or food. This chapter in the same way stands out for not having dialogues and being based purely on the signs and emotions of the protagonist. On the other hand, in Feudal Japan, we will take control of a ninja named Oboromaru, who has the ability to hide, and we can carry out the mission using stealth or assassination with the different people we meet. All this provides a more than attractive gameplay, since each story has its own magic, and although you have to go a long way to be able to connect to the different stories, each of the chapters is attractive in itself.
Live a Live is an RPG that goes out of the ordinary, and since in its original release it never left Japan, this becomes an excellent opportunity to try it, especially if you enjoy JRPGs from the Super Nintendo era, and although the game has the HD-2D visual style that brings it to the present, and a series of improvements, the development and how its stories are noted that belong to that time, making the game transport us to the past to those afternoons playing in front of the television.

Another aspect of this game that should be highlighted is its soundtrack, which on this occasion comes from the hand of the composer Yoko Shimomura, and which adapts perfectly to each of the moments, stories and protagonists that Live presents to Live, with tracks that adapt excellently to the time in which we are playing.
Live a Live leaves Japan and makes its leap to the world with a version that captivates from beginning to end. Its graphics, its music, as well as its different stories are striking with diverse protagonists and gameplay with twists for each of the chapters. Its structure by independent chapters feels quite attractive, and is somewhat reminiscent of how Octopath Traveler is made.

Reviews | Live a Live: An RPG that you cannot miss
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