Representative Image: Solar flares captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.
The solar flare that peaked on April 17 at 9.04 IST (3.34 GMT ) sparked brief radio blackouts in several parts of Southeast Asia and Australia and was classified as a Type II solar radio burst.
“Mariners, aviators, and ham radio operators may have noticed unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 30 MHz,” explained NASA.
The flare registered as an X1.1-class sun storm and lasted about 34 minutes.
But this unleashed flare could be a mere trailer! “The Sun is expected to be active this week as these sunspots migrate across the visible disk,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in an update.
The Sun is currently in an increasingly active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle, and the current cycle is known as Solar Cycle 25, which began in 2019.
Coronagraph images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) confirm that the current explosion hurled a CME into space.
Analysts at NOAA modelled the CME’s trajectory and determined that it will miss Earth, passing behind our planet in its orbit around the Sun, Spaceweather.com reported.
“Such bursts are produced by shock waves in the leading edges of CMEs,” astronomer Tony Phillips was quoted as saying. Because the eruption occurred at the very eastern limb of the Sun, the coronal mass ejection it spawned is likely not directed at Earth, Phillips elaborated.
A solar flare results from an intense explosion of energy from the surface of the Sun. The explosion emits radiation that is directed toward planets in the solar system. These radiations contain radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays.
The weakest sun flares are A-class, B- and C-class storms are also relatively moderate. More powerful M-class storms and above can supercharge the Earth’s northern lights displays, while the strongest X-class storms can pose a risk to satellites and astronauts in orbit when aimed directly at Earth.
Astronomers are tracking a cluster of sunspots on the surface that could lead to more flares this week.
(With Inputs from IANS)
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