The contagion of monkeypox occurs by close contact, contiguous with someone who has the lesions or by large drops through kisses, that is why it is recommended to use the face mask to prevent its spread.
This was stated in the National Newsletter by the specialist in infectious diseases, Fátima Concha, who added that contact through hugs or mass meetings where this type of coexistence is practiced facilitates the contagion of these people.
He noted that monkeypox had initially been described in a more prodromal phase of fever, followed by a phase of rash. Currently you see a mixture of both.
He stated that sometimes it occurs at the same time and many times with several lesions at the genital level, which are characterized by being granite or ulcer type.
On the other hand, he stressed that most of the affected people belong to a population at risk, among them are especially people with HIV.
“The degree of immunity he has is low and even more so if he does not continue with his treatment. This person is more at risk of infection.”