The preparatory hearing for the trial against John Leal for the murder of his brother, mauritius lealand his mother, Marlene Hernandezhad to be suspended due to an argument between the defendant’s lawyer and the judge in the case.
The “grab” between the judge in the case and Leal’s lawyer It was presented due to the third request made by the defense that the diligence in which the evidence, collected by the Prosecutor’s Office, for the crime of his mother and brother be postponed.
According to the videos shared about the discussion, the lawyer assured that, even if they didn’t postpone the hearing, she wouldn’t continue with it. Faced with this, the 55th Criminal Judge of the Circuit with the Function of Knowledge of Bogotá proceeded to mute the microphone to the lawyer and told him it was contempt.
In fact, the judge in the case opened an incident of contempt against Leal’s lawyerwhile the Prosecutor’s Office is requesting that she be arrested for trying to postpone the proceedings for the third time.
After the hearing was suspended for approximately one hour, it was resumed while the judge requested a public defender for Jhonier Leal in order to continue with the hearing, which would also be postponed.
Due to the discussion the hearing was postponed for next Friday, August 26 at 9:00 am