The First Official of Epidemiology of the Department of Health, Melissa Marzán, confirmed the first hospitalization of a person infected with monkeypox, at a time when some 68 infections of the virus have been registered on the island.
In an interview with Primera Hora, the epidemiologist explained that the person is “stable”, while adding that there have been other patients who have had to go to emergency rooms to receive treatment for the disease. No additional details about the hospitalized patient were provided.
“People who have gone to the hospital to be treated, particularly because the injuries are painful and seek services to manage the associated symptoms,” Marzán pointed out.
He explained that, in the same way, doctors evaluate patients to determine if they are candidates to receive one of the two available treatments and that they are in a research protocol phase.
“They are treatments under the custody of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and have been made available to jurisdictions. Candidates must meet the criteria of increased risk of monkeypox complications and the patient must consent, ”she explained.
The treatment Marzán alludes to is Tecovirimat, an antiviral available through an Investigational New Drug Access Protocol (EA-IND) for the treatment of monkeypox and through the Federal Strategic National Stockpile. SNS). Tecovirimat is available in oral and intravenous formulations and its recommendation is viable after medical evaluation. If a patient is eligible for treatment and informed consent is received, the physician in collaboration with the Department of Health will dispense the medication.
He explained that the oral medication consists of three pills that are taken twice a day for two weeks, although it could be extended for longer. While the infusion is used for 14 days.
As Health spokesmen have explained, monkeypox usually has 2 stages: the period of invasion and the period of skin rash.
The first stage occurs between days 0 to 5 and is usually characterized by fever, headache, muscle pain, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue. The inflammation of the nodules, if it appears, is usually key in the diagnostic process. Lymph nodes can be swollen in the neck (submandibular and cervical), armpits (axillary), or groin (inguinal) and appear on both sides of the body or just one.
The second stage, characterized by skin rashes, usually occurs 1 to 3 days after the onset of fever. Usually the face is affected first and spreads to the rest of the body. The most affected areas are: the face, the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Skin rashes go through four stages: macular, papular, vesicular, pustular, and finally crusting. Scabs occur within 10 days and complete removal may take up to 3 weeks.
In a recent interview with this newspaper, the First Medical Official of Health, Iris Cardona, confirmed that the virus can coexist with sexually transmitted infections (STDs). In fact, she stated that during the current outbreak it has been shown that some patients are co-infected with STDs such as syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV.
Epidemiological profile on the island
The first case of monkeypox was confirmed in Puerto Rico on June 29. Since then, the virus has been evolving and, according to Marzán, as of August 18, there were 68 positive cases, of which 66 are residents and two travelers.
“In addition, there are 14 suspected cases and 16 close contacts under monitoring. As the days go by, more people join and there is more openness to the investigation processes. Not everyone wants to divulge their information or that of their close contacts, but we have seen an increase and more openness. It is always important to investigate to invite these people to vaccination, ”he explained.
According to the investigation of cases, of the 68 infected, only one is female. Meanwhile, 60% reside in the metropolitan region.
“The only minor is a 19-year-old person,” said the epidemiologist.
Marzán explained that the situation in Puerto Rico is considered an outbreak because it is “contained in a particular sector of the population.”
“We are talking about men who identify as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men and that is why it is categorized as an outbreak. And this is a characteristic consistent with what we see internationally or in the United States,” he said.
Meanwhile, the secretary of the Department of Health, Carlos Mellado, stressed in a radio interview with WKAQ that the agency is under active surveillance and emphasized that “this is not a disease exclusive to anyone.” “That is, viruses do not choose people. We have to know how to identify that smallpox and stay isolated, ”he said.
In terms of vaccination, the agency has registered 780 doses administered and the vast majority have been carried out in collaboration with the organizations Coaí, Inc., Puerto Rico for All and True Self Foundation, in order to provide prevention tools to the population. LGBTTIQ+.
“We have received 14,035 doses and it is important to clarify that the dosage changed. Before, a vial was enough for one person and now it can be enough for five and that is why the inventory increased for us. Of those doses received, 5,780 have been distributed through 20 clinics,” said Marzán.
He also explained that the current vaccination criteria have been extended and other groups are being considered beyond the people identified as contacts.
“Right now we are vaccinating people who in the last 21 days have had more than one sexual partner; who have had skin-to-skin sexual contact with someone they met through online applications; if you had physical contact with a probable case; and people participating in PrEP also enter this phase, which is the prevention treatment used by people at risk of contracting HIV… if the person answers yes to any of these questions during the screening, they can be vaccinated, ”she asserted.
Worldwide, according to a record kept by the CDC, 40,399 cases have been reported in 94 countries. Meanwhile, 12 deaths associated with the virus have been reported.
Health confirms first hospitalization for monkeypox in Puerto Rico
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