Greece welcomes EEZ deal between Croatia, Italy & More News Here

Greece has welcomed an settlement between Croatia and Italy on the delimitation of unique financial zones (EEZ) within the Adriatic Sea, emphasizing that the deal earns its legitimacy from the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982.

“This agreement is yet another example of the unique basis on which these issues should be resolved, both in the Mediterranean region and globally,” the Foreign Ministry in Athens mentioned in an announcement on Tuesday.

“Greece is rigorously adhering to this practice, having already concluded two relevant agreements with Italy and Egypt while it has agreed with Albania to refer the issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, always on the basis of the international law of the sea,” it mentioned.

“We call on all states in the region to comply with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which, as is well-known, constitutes part of customary international law,” it mentioned, in a thinly-disguised reference to Turkey which, regardless of calls from the European Union, has not signed as much as the accord.

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