Germany's Malik Harris With "Rockstars" (Review and Ranking) & More News Here – Upjobsnews


The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 40 competing songs in Eurovision 2022. Next we review Germany, who have chosen Malik Harris with “Rockstars”.

Were we idolising the song? Read on to find out!

Malik Harris – “Rockstars” (Germany Eurovision 2022)

Review: Malik Harris – “Rockstars”

William: Malik really tugs on heartstrings with this one. “Rockstars” starts softly and sweetly — the only grit coming from Malik’s gravely voice. Ninety seconds in, he seems to press pause on the music and launches into an extended soliloquy. He admits to getting lost in his own doubts and flaws and recognises that time has tamed his free spirit. His growing anger over it all gives the song its emotional crescendo and one well worth the wait. The soft exit takes us back to the beginning and gives the song a nice rounded quality. This may not break new ground, but the ground it covers is very well served indeed. 

Score: 7

Sebastian: Does “Rockstars” have a place at Eurovision? Perhaps, but there is something so produced and Americanised about “Rockstars” that makes it feel so inauthentic. Malik is a solid performer, and that’s ultimately what has sold the package. Perhaps it’s fatigue from the American Song Contest, but this German entry is unfortunately not going to gain tailwind in Turin. Malik will no doubt express his feelings well on the stage as he has in all live performances.

Score: 3

Pablo: There’s honesty and an earnest quality in this that no one can deny, as Malik is a great performer with a story to tell. “Rockstars” is a nice track that’s easy to listen to, but that’s also its crutch. It lacks a certain punch and edge on the parts it’s supposed to hit. It’s a story of melancholy with a hint of angst, and it feels somewhat offset by the wholesome undertone of the chorus. I’m more than happy to see this in the contest, but for it to properly work, it needs to lean on that storytelling aspect and do so without hesitation.

Score: 6

Natalie: Thank god you selected this Germany. I was just thinking we needed more sentimental ballads by men. At least this one tries to be modern and interesting in a sea of bleh this year. I can see a lot of people falling in love with Malik this year, he’s a talented performer and seems like a really nice guy. But it’s hard for me to get into this song. Just not for me maybe.

Score: 2

Ron: “Rockstars” is a very pure and simple song. There’s nothing revolutionary or out of the box here but it does hit you with its honesty. Malik is a very emotive and charismatic performer, and you can really feel the emotions he is delivering in every word and every line he sings. The song feels very sincere and many people can identify with its message and lyrics – we are all rockstars in a way. Unfortunately, in a huge field of 40 songs at Eurovision it doesn’t stand out that much, although it does have its merits and it’s a great track that Malik can sure be proud of.

Score: 6

Germany Eurovision 2022 ranking

In the Eurovision 2022 Wiwi Jury, we have 18 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Angus: 3

Antranig: 5.5

Cinan: 5

Deban: 5.5

Jonathan: 4.5

Josh: 5.5

Lucy: 4

Luis: 6

Oliver: 3.5

Renske: 5

Robyn: 4.5

Suzanne: 7.5

Tom: 7.5

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 7.5.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 5.09/10

What do you think of Germany’s Eurovision 2022 entry? Share your own score and review for Malik Harris’s “Rockstars” below!

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