He affirms that the PP was not aware of the agreement on the Judicial Power and the previous leadership denies it: “Everything was transferred”
- chronic The “dirty war” by the CGPJ reveals the bankruptcy between PP and PSOE
- July 11 The PP agrees to renew the CGPJ with the current system and renounces demanding that the judges choose the judges
Null value to an agreement reached behind the back of the party leadership, with subsequent denial and appearance of quarrels regarding a stage that is believed to have already been overcome. The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Nez Feijo, dissociated himself this Thursday from the document revealed in the last dates that carried the signature of the former general secretary of the formation, Teodoro Garcia Egeato guarantee the renewal of the constitutional Court Even if the blockade continues General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).
A document leaked by the Government itself, they say in the PP, as a reaction to the fact that the popular maintain their refusal to renew the CGPJ. In fact, from Feijo himself he accused the Minister of the Presidency, Flix Bolaos, on Thursday of threatening the leading opposition party with the leaking of this document in order to destabilize the formation and pressure its leadership to agree to unlock the CGPJ. A movement that has broken the bridges between both formations when considering the PP that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez has aired a pact that, despite not being valid, was secret by agreement of the two parties.
The document should have no value, the leader considered to settle the matter. popular, since it has not been discussed in the current management committee or in the previous one of the formation. With these words, Feijo pointed to the previous leadership of the PP -formed by Paul Married and Teodoro Garca Egea – to act behind the back of his own management team and to negotiate agreements with the PSOE without the endorsement of the Gnova executive.
What members of the previous management committee have told me, through Mr. [Esteban] Gonzalez Ponsis that in no management committee was there any discussion of any document or any issue signed between the minister [de Presidencia, Flix Bolaos] and the former general secretary of the party, asserted the popular leader during his visit to the Coroese town of Porto do Son.
Moreover, the president of the PP remarked that when he took over from the previous leader of the party, there was no mention of the existence of this agreement at any time: When I dispatched with the president [Pablo] Married the transfer of powers, in no case did he give me any document.
“Everything is transferred”
These words of the leader of the PP unleashed a confrontation with the previous management team popular led by Pablo Casado. The previous management made a transfer to the incoming management of the different questions, of the different matters, also those related to Justice and the Judicial Power. A transfer was made in everything, sources from the previous Casado team assured EL MUNDO on Thursday night. According to this version, which denies Feijo’s words, it would have been the former general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea, who would have informed the current head of Institutional Policy, Esteban González Pons, of the existence of the agreement.
Both Pons and Feijo have reiterated that the intention of the current leadership of the PP was to start talks with the Executive from scratch. The PP proposal has the Government since July 11: renew with a minimum of criteria so that we politicians are not the ones who elect judges who are close to a party, said the Galician in response to Bolaos, who yesterday questioned Feijo’s word: Not to be trusted.
We are not going to accept that they threaten us, warned the president of the PP, who called on Sánchez to put aside childish, opaque policies aimed at destabilizing the relationship between the two parties.
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Feijo and the Casado team face each other over the pact with the PSOE in Justice
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Feijo and the Casado team face each other over the pact with the PSOE in Justice
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Feijo and the Casado team face each other over the pact with the PSOE in Justice
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