Former congressman Daniel Urresti, businessman Rafael López Aliaga and former mayor George Forsyth have the greatest preferences of the people of Lima for the election of the next mayor of the country’s capital, although many citizens still do not have a favorite candidate, according to the latest poll of the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), a research made for the newspaper La República.
The study consulted the population from Monday, August 1 to Thursday, August 4, and has a margin of error of 5.05 points. above and below each result in its representation of the province of Lime.
Urresti, from the Podemos Peru political party; López Aliaga, from Popular Renewal; Y Forsyth, of Somos Perú, occupy the first places of voting intention for the mayor of Lima, with 25.4%, 22.0% and 13.3% preferences, respectively, in this IEP survey in our main city.
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These three candidates for the highest popularly elected position in the country’s capital have also been candidates for the Presidency of the Republic on the last general elections, held last year.
They are followed in the preferences for Lima, according to the IEP study, by former Congressman Omar Chehade, of the Alliance for Progress (APP), with a voting intention of 2.7%; Carlos Torres, from Frepap (Frente Popular Agrario FIA del Perú), with 2.6%; the lawyer Guillermo Flores Borda, from the Purple Party, with 2.6%; the communicator Yuri Castro, from Peru Libre, with 2.0%; Miraflores mayor Luis Molina, from Avanza País, with 1.6%; and the economist and sociologist Gonzalo Alegría, from Together for Peru, with 1.1%.
Very relegated appear Julio Lingán, of the Patriotic Party of Peru, with 0.5%; and Elizabeth León, from the Front of Hope, also with 0.5%.
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Flores Borda and Molina have been excluded by the National Elections Jury (JNE) due to registration problems, but several do not know it.
However, many Limeños still do not have a favorite candidate for their metropolitan mayor: 4.2% plan to vote blank or vitiated, 2.5% would not vote for any of the candidates and 8.8% have not yet decided or have not been informed, among the respondents.
Urresti has a more homogeneous preference, among those consulted by the IEP, when considering socioeconomic levels, sexes and age ranges of those consulted.
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Lopez Aliaga It has marked favoritism among the more affluent (socioeconomic levels A and B) and among men, in this survey.
In June, the then IEP survey in Lima found a greater preference in Urresti, with 22.3% voting intention among those consulted, followed by Lopez Aliaga, with 8.7%, and Forsyth, with 11%.
Among those surveyed, A more favorable situation is maintained towards the three so far, although due to the margins of error there is no greater certainty of rises and falls in preferences. And in two months, there is still a long way to go.