Damaged nails, the signs that could indicate health problems – INRAN & More Latest News Here – Up Jobs


The color, shape and general appearance of your nails could indicate a health problem, pay attention to these 14 signs.

Nail Health (Pexels)


Nails are a very important part of our body and can provide us with a lot of information about our health conditions. Nail abnormalities in terms of appearance, color and shape, they can be a symptom of sometimes very serious pathologies.

Let’s try to better understand what are the clues that may indicate health problems in our body or a lack of nutrients. Let’s start from Coilonychia indicating the spoon nail. This condition gives the nail a concave appearance. This particular form can indicate various pathologies: from iron deficiency to coronary heart disease, up to malignant tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

The appearance of the nails can indicate a certain state of health

appearance nail diseases
Ingrown toenail (Adobe Stock)

Don’t worry if babies have this shape. For very young children this nail shape is very common and tends to disappear after the first few years of life. The Clubbing indicates increased curvature of the nail plate. This condition is generally associated with congenital heart disease, respiratory problems, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Sometimes, it can also be an early sign of AIDS in HIV-positive pediatric patients. The pincer nail is instead ingrown toenail. This condition generally occurs as a consequence of the use of shoes that are not suitable for our foot, or of an incorrect cut of the nail.

Doliconichia And brachionichia they are two opposite conditions. The first is characterized by the length of the nail plate much greater than the length. The second, on the other hand, has a wide but short nail plate. The first condition may be a consequence of hypopituitarism, that is, of a reduced functionality of the pituitary gland. The second condition, on the other hand, can be a consequence of hyperparathyroidism, or an excessive production of thyroid hormones.

Pathologies that affect the appearance of the nails

nail appearance signals
Manicured nails (Pexels)

Macronichia And micronichia, also opposite conditions, indicate anomalies in the size of the nail. Macronichia indicates a nail that is larger than normal, while, conversely, micronichia indicates an excessively small nail. L’onycholysisinstead, it indicates a detachment of the nail from the nail bed.

This phenomenon indicates various conditions, such as trauma, fungal attacks or allergic reactions to nail polishes and cosmetics. Rarely, this condition is associated with diseases such as anemia, leukemia, or thyroid disorders. The Pterygium indicates a form of nail dystrophy caused by a scar. This condition can be of two types: dorsal and ventral.

The first case occurs as a result of trauma, burns or lupus. The second case occurs in the presence of leprosy, neurofibromators and systemic sclerosis. The longitudinal swelling or onicorressi it is a very common anomaly. This is an anomaly affecting the nail plate that makes it appear thinner and with longitudinal streaks. This condition weakens the nail which splinters more easily.

Weakened and strange-looking nails – what they can indicate

nail abnormalities health status
Nail care (Pexels)

Onychorrhiasis is an indication of iron, folic acid or protein deficiency. The Beau’s lines they also indicate a widespread problem. This problem is characterized by horizontal grooves running through the nail. The causes of these conditions are varied: from physical trauma to psychological stress but also fever, hypothermia and malnutrition.

The nail pitting or trachyonichia is characterized by small depressions along the surface of the nail. There are many pathologies associated with this condition, just to name a few: psoriasis, syphilis or arthritis. There leukonychia it manifests itself with spots or horizontal stripes of white color. This condition is divided into three series, and can be caused by various health problems.

Nail signs, related problems
condition nails body disorders
Clean hand, nail polish (Pexels)

The first case of Leukonychia are the Mees lines, characterized by single or multiple white lines, connected to conditions such as tuberculosis, malaria, renal or heart failure, and pneumonia. The second case is the Muehrcke lines, characterized by double white lines. Indicates albumin deficiency or liver disease. Finally, the third case is Lindsay’s nail, which manifests itself with half of the nail having a normal color and the other a brownish color.

This condition is observed in patients with uremic renal failure. There melanonychia it is characterized by a bluish-black discoloration caused by inflammatory skin diseases or systemic diseases. Smoking, the presence of thyroid disease or HIV can also be the cause of this condition. There telangiectasias indicates swollen blood vessels, often symptoms of serious conditions such as diabetes mellitus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Finally, the yellow nail syndrome indicates a thickening of the nail that takes on a yellowish-green color. The causes can be many and are usually related to the malfunction of the respiratory system. Smokers may also have nicotine-related yellowing of the nails, but this can also be linked to smoking-related respiratory diseases.

Damaged nails, the signs that could indicate health problems – INRAN & Latest News Update

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Damaged nails, the signs that could indicate health problems – INRAN & More News Today

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