A man is reflected in an Itau branch window in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil April 29, 2019. REUTERS/Sergio Moraes
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April 18 (Reuters) – Brazilian lender Itau Unibanco (ITUB4.SA) said on Monday it has reached a deal to acquire a 12.82% stake in the agribusiness marketplace Orbia, formally known as Rede Agro Fidelidade e Intermediacao.
In its securities filing, the bank said that Orbia, of which Bayer AG (BAYGn.DE) and Yara Brazil Fertilizantes (ILMD.UL) are also shareholders, is a digital platform that offers services to rural producers, allowing Itau “to offer credit solutions to Orbia’s customer base more efficiently.”
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Reporting by Carolina Pulice; editing by Jonathan Oatis
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Brazil’s Itau Unibanco buys stake in agribusiness marketplace Orbia & More Brazil Latest News Update
Brazil’s Itau Unibanco buys stake in agribusiness marketplace Orbia & More Brazil Live News
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