In a Tweet sent on Thursday, August 11th, 2022, actor Jameela Jamil shared her excitement for a newly released promotional poster advertising the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney+ series She-Hulk: Attorney at Law with a message that called to mind her appearance on the beloved sitcom The Good Place: “HOLY FORKING SHIRTBALLS IT’S REAL! (explosion emoji),” Tweeted Jamil alongside the character poster for her role, the antagonistic Titania.
In a Tweet from Marvel Entertainment’s official Twitter account that included Titania’s character poster, Jamil’s character was described as also being known as an influencer… and a courtroom wall breaker, a designation that likely refers to the clip from the trailer in which Titania literally breaks through the wall of a courtroom (Kool-Aid Man-style).
But it could also hint that the character could be involved in some fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans that the series promises when the first episode arrives for streaming on Disney+ on August 18th, 2022. In an interview with IGN, series director Kat Coiro noted, “I think breaking the fourth wall asks a lot of questions that I hope we get to answer for you in the show. So I don’t want to give too much away. But it’s very fun, it’s very cool.”
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Jameela Jamil’s Sniffing Return to Instagram
While Titania may be an influencer, Jamil could be fairly characterized as one, as well. During her time at the recent 2022 San Diego Comic-Con, the actor’s overwhelming enthusiasm at attending the event as a member of the MCU was palpable. In one memorable instance, she crept up behind Paul Rudd, the actor who plays Avengers-level hero Ant-Man, and sniffed him.
And in the weeks since SDCC, Jamil has continued to share plenty of behind-the-scenes images of her character in costume and make-up. In a video clip shared by AP Entertainment and retweeted by Jamil, she stated that part of why she enjoyed playing the role was the fact that Titania was a villain who “embodies the antithesis of everything [she] stand[s] for.”
In addition to sharing behind-the-scenes images, Jamil has also been hyping the arrival of the character on She-Hulk. “TITANIA IS COMING TO F*** UP YOUR DAY,” reads a Tweet sent on July 26th, 2022. And in a Tweet sent on Friday, August 5th, 2022, Jamil included the message “TITANIA SAYS IT’S THE MOTHERF***IN WEEKEND” alongside a video clip labeled “Marvel training” that features the actor performing a harness-assisted spin-jump that culminates in a superhero landing (while she flips the bird).
Attorney at Law Role with The Good Place Tribute & Latest News Update
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