African Country Runs Out of BCG Vaccines — Vax Before Travel & More Trending News

(Vax Before Travel)

FrontPage Africa just lately found that the 100-year-old BCG vaccine provide has run out within the nation of Liberia. When contacted on May 25, 2022, the Ministry of Health’s Communications Director, Felecia Gbesioh, confirmed that the BCG vaccine had run out.

“It (BCG) is actually not in the country, but we expect to have it in the country before the end of May 2022.”

“So we have been in a back and forth conversation and engaging our partners, especially UNICEF, because they are responsible for distributing the vaccine,” reported FrontPage on May 25, 2022.

“And there isn’t a want to fret as a result of the vaccine is for kids from zero to eleven months. In Liberia, BCG vaccination is obligatory, administered with the polio vaccine.

The WHO vaccine scheduler summarizes Liberia’s present vaccination schedule for younger youngsters, adolescents, and adults.

Liberia battled a number of well being emergencies in 2021, comparable to polio, yellow fever, malaria, and the continued COVID-19 pandemic response.

Responding to polio outbreaks in neighboring nations, Liberia launched the nOPV2 vaccine in 2021, immunizing about 1.8 million youngsters aged 0–59 months, reported UNICEF on March 9, 2022.

In March 2022, the U.S. CDC issued an Alert Level 2, Practice Enhanced Precautions, concerning Liberia’s polio outbreak.

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