What care should a woman have after 40 years? – Up Jobs News

Over the years, the body undergoes significant changes in the skin, hair and in different organs within the body. The metabolism starts to slow down a bit and the immune system becomes more prone to viruses or bacteria.

These changes can occur differently in men and women, since each body works differently and what characterizes each gender can have repercussions on aging. For example, women are more likely to develop arthritis over time.

The problem with many of these conditions is that their symptoms do not appear until they are chronic or difficult to treat. Therefore, as the years go by, it is necessary not to skip medical check-ups and to have regular exams.

The care that should be taken with age should be consulted with a specialist because, depending on the comorbidities that are had, the habits may be different. For example, the specialized portal Take care Plus explained what care those women after 40 years of age could have:

psychological care

Changes in aesthetics and some unfulfilled goals can generate problems in people’s mentality. Therefore, when feeling constant fatigue, a feeling of crying or some despair with current life, it is advisable to consult a specialist to help with the process.


Taking care of food is a habit that little by little has caused more interest in people, whether it is to improve their health, lose, maintain or increase weight. At age 40, you should increase your consumption of green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and red fruits due to their high content of antioxidants.

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According to the nutritionist at the HM Moraleja Polyclinic (Madrid, Spain) and creator of the Equidieta Method, Javier Martínez, consuming a diet rich in natural antioxidants is essential to reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and prevent cell aging that weakens, especially in the case of older adults.

Also, you should start consuming more vitamin D so that the body absorbs calcium better and it is recommended to consume more fiber and fatty acids such as omega-3.

Skin care

From the age of 40, skin care becomes a matter of concern for people, especially women. At this age, the dermis of the face begins to lose elasticity, luminosity and wrinkles begin to appear and the first spots may appear.

Carrying out a daily care routine is essential if you want to maintain beautiful and firm skin for longer. It is advisable to remove the make-up used, exfoliation, masks and treatments recommended by a specialist.


Physical activity, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), can improve muscular and cardiorespiratory fitnessimprove bone and functional health, reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Also, it can prevent depression, reduce the risk of falls, as well as hip or vertebral fractures, and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

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Thus, if the goal is to lose weight, the health portal Your doctor revealed that the exercise that helps with this goal over the years is dancing, since up to 500 calories can be burned in a 90-minute session.

Plus, dancing, according to Medline Plus, the US National Library of Medicine, has many mental and physical health benefits.

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