ORT of the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator takes over two estates in the Carahue commune

Two estates located in the commune of Carahue, La Araucanía region, were seized this Thursday by an ORT from the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator (CAM). Both lands are owned by the forestry company Mininco.

An Organ of Territorial Resistance (ORT) of the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator they took two funds located in Carahue, region of La Araucanía, this Thursday.

Specifically, the estates in question are Saint William and the Hareboth owned by the forestry company Mininco.

Through images broadcast on social networks by the Werkén Noticias site, a group of hooded people displaying long firearms.

ORT takes Carahue funds

Likewise, by means of a canvas, they specified that the estates already mentioned are “in territorial control”.

ORT takes Carahue estates

Shooting attack on checkpoint in Victoria

The CAM action took place on the same day that the Malleco Mapuche Resistance attacked the Carabineros checkpoint with bullets from the town of Púa in the commune of Victoria, in the region of La Araucanía.

At about 03:40 a.m., a van with five people arrived at the scene of the event,so they started shooting at the barracks.

The fact left damage to the front of the building and to the police unit itself, while the guards managed to take cover during the attack. In addition, three vehicles were also damaged.

A nearby house, which corresponds to the head of the checkpoint, ended up with considerable damage due to the attack with automatic and long weapons.

OS-9 personnel and Carabineros del Labocar traveled to the scene, in a procedure in charge of the area chief of La Araucanía, General Manuel Cifuentes.

Cifuentes stated that “We as carabineros repudiate this factas our general director points out very well, when the carabineros are attacked, when the police barracks are attacked, the heart of our country is attacked.”

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