6 expert tricks to make "stocking" worthwhile and yield more – Up Jobs News

The strong and constant price increases invite you to spend your pesos now. to buy as soon as possible the largest amount of products possible and keep them at home for weeks or months until it is necessary to consume them.

The tactic of fill cupboards, cupboards and storage rooms to defend the pocket from inflation, known as “current consumption advance” or “stocking”, becomes in this context a true investment.

And the area par excellence to do it is the wholesalerswhich allow you to get all kinds of non-perishable merchandise -food, drinks, cleaning products and personal hygiene- lower values ​​than those of the common neighborhood trade.

But how do you really worth it the effort to go to these big markets that can be far from home, become heavily loaded and make part of the house literally become a Deposit?

Which are the tricks and secrets for maximum savings? Clarion he consulted experts in prices and investments, as well as the wholesale chains themselves. And he summed up his answers in the 6 practical tips that develop from here.

If the excursion to the wholesaler is well planned, it can be much more profitable.  Photo: EFE.

If the excursion to the wholesaler is well planned, it can be much more profitable. Photo: EFE.

Tip #1: Before you start, figure out how much you can store

“When you bet on advancing current consumption in a wholesaler, plan it well is decisive for it to be profitable“, he explained to Clarion Nicolás Litvinoff, personal finance expert and director of the online financial education firm Estudinero.org.

In his opinion, before going to the premises it will be essential to assemble a shopping list. But to be able to do it, there is a crucial preliminary step that many omit: take dimension of the actual storage capacity that has.

“The first thing is determine which spaces will be used to store the merchandise in the house, in a storage room, in a garage… And make sure that they have the temperature and humidity conditions adequate so that the products to be stocked do not spoil,” he pointed out.

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Litvinoff explained that the more place get free, more profitable will be the investment. This is because the best prices are usually reserved for those who buy many units of each product.

Tip N°2: before going, check prices

Other common mistakeaccording to experts, is to assume that buying from a wholesaler will be always cheaper, without exception. Since sometimes, depending on the day and the product, you could spend less in a common supermarket that has an offer of the type 3×2, 6×4 or 80% in the second unit, or that has not yet applied a price increase that has already arrived at the wholesaler.

“In times of very high inflation it is more difficult to recognize what is expensive Y what is cheap, because our references are distorted. Also, dispersion grows of prices since not all companies adjust at the same time and percentage”, recalled the economist Ariel Baños, author of the book “50 price lessons from real life” and director of the firm Fixaciondeprecios.com.

Therefore, his greatest recommendation is that people, before going to the wholesaler, make a list of what I would intend to buy for “stocking” and compare prices online to confirm if indeed the wholesaler to visit has them cheaper than other chains wholesalers and retailerstaking into account the current promotions and offers of each one.

Dry food, beverages and cleaning products, among what is most purchased wholesale to stock.  Photo: Carrefour Maxi.
Dry foods, beverages and cleaning products, among what is most purchased wholesale to stock. Photo: Carrefour Maxi.

Along the same lines, Litvinoff advises against going to the wholesaler simply to take what “look cheap“, without before relieve values ​​online on e-commerce platforms and on the websites of each hypermarket. You can also consult the official website Claro Prices, which informs the prices of the day of each wholesale and retail chain.

“That will make it possible to identify what is really at a very convenient price in the wholesaler, to aim only at thatLitvinoff said.

Tip No. 3: take advantage of bank discounts

Like retailers, wholesale chains have agreements with banks to give discounts of 15% to 30% on certain days of each week or month, which allows you to get a double savings (above the wholesale low price, a rebate).

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“There are bank promotions to take advantage of every day and in all branches of the country”, stand out for example from the Diarco chain.

Therefore, when planning the purchase of “stocking”, it will be very important to review what opportunities exist with the cards you have and in what chains, keep in mind the refund caps in each case, and try to make the purchase excursion match the dates the best benefit available.

For example, as revealed Clarionduring August There will be wholesale discounts for users of:

Macro Bank. up to a 30% every Wednesday in Diarco.

APP MODE. A 25% every Friday at Punto Mas Mayorista.

hipotecary Banc. A 25% every Tuesday at Punto Mas Mayorista and at Nini. And 20% in Makro.

Bench Supervielle. A 25% every Tuesday at Nini.

Carrefour Card. A fifteen% every Tuesday at Carrefour Maxi.

National Bank. A fifteen% every Thursday at Diarco, Makro, Yaguar, Maxiconsumo, Nini, Blow Max and 5 Hermanos.

Credicoop Bank. A fifteen% the second Thursday of each month at Punto Mas Mayorista, Diarco, Makro, Maxiconsumo, Yaguar, Nini and other chains.

Tip #4: Take Advantage of Quantity Discounts

Many times the prices improve by carrying whole boxes of the same product, and not a few units.  Photo: Emmanuel Fernandez.

Many times the prices improve by carrying whole boxes of the same product, and not a few units. Photo: Emmanuel Fernandez.

“It is always convenient to buy by quantity, since how much the greater the amount of product, the better the price per unit,” revealed Mauricio Benzan, the director of the wholesale chain Carrefour Maxi.

“By buying per unit, we have the best price on the market, and in turn that price improves if we buy by quantity,” he said. And he estimated that, in this way, the saving can reach 30% with respect to common trade.

So, before going to the wholesaler, another valuable tactic will be search for “partners” between family and friends to go together to make a big purchase and then distribute.

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“This type of purchase is a solution for the weekly or monthly consumption of a family, or it is an opportunity to make collective purchases Come in two or more familiesthat together they can take advantage of the benefits of accessing a better price”, concluded Benzan.

Tip N° 5: before choosing, look at the whole gondola

Then, while touring the premises, you will have to take some time to evaluate one by one all brands offered in search of the most convenient, always comparing the prices with VAT corresponding to the number of products to be purchased.

“The best prices by category of product are usually found at the start of the gondola“, they revealed from Carrefour Maxi. Often, as they detailed, they are in the headers either “featured in islands“.

Having a vehicle is key to being able to take large amounts of merchandise.
Having a vehicle is key to being able to take large amounts of merchandise.

Tip No. 6: card payments, only without interest

Although they are rare today, there are also opportunities to finance the purchase of “stock” even in 3 installments without interestwhich in the current context is equivalent to a extra discount.

It offers, for example, OrangeX every day in chains like Diarco, Vital, Yaguar and Tadicor.

Pay with credit card at a single payment It can also be an attractive option considering that it allows you to make the purchase by “freezing” the today’s prices but only pay it next month (when many products are probably already more expensive).

Whatever the case, according to Litvinoff, what never have to do is to use the card if you are not sure that when the summary arrives you will be able to face the full payment. Otherwise, as he stated, we will end up doing the minimum payment and refinancing the rest to rates very highwhich will erase the savings that were intended to be obtained.


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