11 arrest warrants for the murder of three young people in Sucre, including that of Colonel Benjamín Núñez & More Latest News Here – Up Jobs


SEMANA learned that a judge, based on a request from the Prosecutor’s Office, ordered the issuance of 11 arrest warrants against active members of the Police, including Colonel Benjamín Núñez, Police Operations Commander in Sucre, accused of participating in the death of three young people in the village of Chochó, in Sincelejo.

Likewise, it was learned that, through international cooperation channels, an international arrest warrant, known as the Interpol red circular, was requested to arrest officer Núñez in any country in the world.

The new director of the Police, General Henry Sanabria, traveled to the area and apologized for what happened, on behalf of the institution.

In recent days, two members of the Police have accused Colonel Núñez of murdering young people in cold blood. The officer decided to leave the country. He first took a commercial flight to Panama and then to Mexico, according to the authorities, taking advantage of the fact that at that time he did not have any legal requirements. Núñez would be in Mexico City, fleeing from Colombian justice.

That is why in recent days, the Colombian authorities are working with that country to find his whereabouts and to be able to capture him and send him to Colombia to answer for these crimes.

The others are active policemen who, according to the evidence collected by the Prosecutor’s Office, would have some responsibility, such as omission, in the death of the young people. These uniformed men are already fully identified and their arrests will take place in the next few hours.

Exclusive: “Kill them, those hps, kill them”, the shocking audios of the massacre in Sucre

“When he fired, even blood splattered on my uniform,” says a statement delivered by a police patrolman in the department of Sucre, blaming his commander, Colonel Benjamín Núñez, for cold-bloodedly murdering three young men in that area of ​​the country. SEMANA learned about the file on this tragedy.

The audios, which are in that file, recreate the distressing moment in which the Police capture the young people, who later arrived lifeless at a Sincelejo hospital. It seems to be about radio communications in which a woman screams desperately for someone to throw herself on the floor, then a man’s voice is heard with a terrifying order: kill them.

  • Woman: Quiet, quiet there… on the floor.
  • Man: Kill him, those bastards, kill them.

The woman, anguished, gives the order to throw herself on the ground, then gives indications of where she is. The other person who speaks is a man, who reassures her while she warns him that she is supporting her.

  • Woman: Central, central, in the entire Y of Chochó, the entire Y. The two intersections on the road.
  • Man: It’s here, it’s here, woman.

The evidence, which includes police reports, audios, inspections, statements, minutes, reports and, above all, contradictions, led the investigators to conclude, with very little room for doubt, that 10 minutes from the city of Sincelejo, by a trail and with the weapons of the State, a false positive was perpetrated.

The chronicle of this death sentence, which fell on the humanity of Carlos Alberto Ibáñez, Jesús David Díaz Monterroza and José Carlos Arévalo, the three victims, began with another bloody act: the murder, at the hands of the Clan del Golfo, of the young patrolman Diego Ruiz, who had been in the institution for barely a month. “He had not even received his first salary,” his companions said.

Once the crime of the uniformed man was known, the order in the reports of the Police Radio Station was to capture those responsible. There was a lock plan and the location of the criminals, who, it was said, were wounded. All the Police in the area began the search, but it was the Children and Adolescents Police that intercepted three young suspects.

It was in a place known as La Garita, an intersection point that connects, at each end, the village of Chochó, the municipalities of Sampués, Sincelejo and Corozal. Immediately, the site was flooded with soldiers from all specialties: Goes, Gaula, surveillance, Sijín.

There was also the commander, Colonel Núñez, who assumed control of the case. It was the last time the three young men were seen alive.

The doubts

The hypothesis of what happened in Sucre, told by the uniformed men who were on the site and who participated in the capture of the young people, fell apart in the first week of the investigation. The reports written by the police, explaining the facts, became a hoax that the Military Criminal Justice discovered just by listening to the uniformed officers themselves.

The Uber patrolman Guillermo Mieles, from the Children and Adolescents group, left in his letter, delivered two days after the events, that after intercepting two motorcycles in the La Garita sector, he realized that the three young people were “seriously injured.” That is why he asked for support for his transfer. However, in subsequent statements, the story told by his fellow patrolmen is very different.

The three youths were not seriously injured, only one had been shot in the leg, the others were intact.

This was confirmed in the declaration proceedings that SEMANA learned about and that are part of the file held by the Prosecutor’s Office. The conclusion not only warns that the first report is riddled with lies, but that the young people were alive before being transferred by the Police.

The same thing happened with the reports given by Second Lieutenant María Camila Buriticá of CAI Ford, and a deputy commissioner in charge of the Police station in the municipality of Sampués, where the patrolman was killed.

The consigned data was denied by those who rendered the declaration proceedings. There are doubts about an alleged crossfire once the patrolman Ruiz was murdered and that supposedly left the murderers wounded.

The version of the patrol car driver of the Police van, in which the three young people still alive were mounted, warns that he received the order to alter the route, which was supposed to be the fastest to get to Sincelejo and to the hospital. The order came, according to the uniformed officer, from Colonel Benjamín Núñez, after warning of a blockade on the road. The investigation revealed that this was also false.

A fact that caught the attention in the course of the investigation is in the reports and monitoring of the Police vehicles that participated in the procedure. All cars are supposed to have a GPS system, but, interestingly, Colonel Núñez’s and Second Lieutenant Buriticá’s trucks did not have it, so tracking could not be done in these two cases.

Those involved

Eight soldiers were removed from their posts, including Colonel Benjamín Núñez, who bears the responsibility and whom two patrolmen identified as the author of a brutal murder. The statements of these police officers are clear in pointing out that the colonel fired and, with a commanding voice, warned that he would respond.

Currently, the colonel left the country from Cartagena and bound for Panama, but is in Mexico. His family assured that he does not intend to flee from justice, he only expects security guarantees to face the process while he must avoid risky situations, which he left recorded in a document in which he assures that criminals in Sucre offer up to 50 million pesos for his head.

For the Military Criminal Justice there is no doubt that the facts reveal a serious case of homicide, in circumstances that are far from the role of the Police. That is why they sent the 1,000-page file to the Prosecutor’s Office, which has so far warned that it is working on the recovery of evidence in order to make decisions.

The victims assured that they are concerned about the passivity of the authorities with this case. There are no decisions from the Prosecutor’s Office and they do not receive a response from the Police. The lawyer Didier Pizza Gerena, representative of two families in this case, assured that the “escape” of Colonel Núñez was a consequence of the lack of action of the authorities.

“It is necessary to investigate, not only the responsibility of the colonel, but also of the uniformed men who were with him in the truck. They have a degree of co-authorship, they saw what happened. If they did not participate, they did not avoid it either and only decided to tell what happened until they were summoned, “said the lawyer and representative of the victims.

For Pizza Gerena, the doubts that arose in the investigation and in the documents obtained by SEMANA explain how they tried to mislead the authorities with false reports and adulterated reports that, in principle, made it difficult to know the truth, which is now being made public. : Carlos, Jesús and José were sentenced to death, they would be false positives.

11 arrest warrants for the murder of three young people in Sucre, including that of Colonel Benjamín Núñez
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